Summary information

Study title

North East Area Study, 1974; New Towns Project Main Survey


Hudson, R. H., University of Durham, North East Area Study
Johnson, M. R. D., University of Durham, North East Area Study
Townsend, A. R., University of Durham, North East Area Study

Study number / PID

522 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-522-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to assess the provision of several kinds of facilities at all levels in towns of the North East and compare some of the statements in the original plans with what people see as the present-day reality.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Source of information about new town, date of move, reasons for move, likes and dislikes about present house, satisfaction rating for house and garden, likelihood of move in next year (reasons). Satisfaction with amenities in local area: shops, bus services, footpaths, roads, traffic, cleanliness of the air, parks and open spaces, play facilities for children, primary schools, provision of medical services. Frequency of use of facilities, satisfaction with amenities in whole area: housing, employment, shops, medical and social services, recreation and leisure facilities, transport, education, community spirit, overall quality of the environment. Respondents were asked to agree/disagree with a number of statements about their immediate neighbourhood, their local area and towns in County Durham. Opinion of best and worst areas to live in town, suggestions for improvement, subjective division of town into parts. Whether the town is thought of as 'home', attachment to area, proximity of relatives and friends, how best friends first met, length of friendships, frequency and location of contact, frequency of visits to workingmen's clubs/pubs/clubs or organisations/church. Reason for last church attendance, sports played/watched, frequency and location of sports activity. Date of and reason for last visit to town centre, means of transport, type of goods purchased, opinion of shops in new town centre, suggestions for improvement. Opinions on employment opportunities, reasons for new town construction, whether governments since the war have been concerned with the North East, whether decision to build new towns was sound, whether...
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Data collection period

18/04/1974 - 31/05/1974



Time dimension

Cross-sectional (one-time) study

Analysis unit

Urban residents


Current electoral registers for 3 towns (Peterlee, Newton Aycliffe and Washington), excluding service and Merchant Seamen voters

Sampling procedure

Random starting point, then systematic

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.

Related publications

  • Johnson, M. Johnson, M. (1975) Transport and mobility in Durham New Towns, [Working paper].Durham: North East Area Study.
  • Hudson, R. (1974) Survey of attitudes to New Towns in County Durham: initial results and basic dimensions, [Working paper].Durham: North East Area Study.
  • Hudson, R. and Johnson, M. (1975) Housing in Durham New Towns, [Working paper].Durham: North East Area Study.
  • Hudson, R. and Macourt, M. (1975) Sampling residents of New Towns: problems of the register and of response, [Working paper].Durham: North East Area Study.
  • Johnson, M. (1975) Industry and employment in Durham New Towns, [Working paper].Durham: North East Area Study.