Study title
University of Tampere Open Science Survey 2017
Mäki, Kati (University of Tampere. Tampere University Library)
Huuskonen, Saila (University of Tampere. Tampere University Library)
Leppänen, Sari (University of Tampere. Tampere University Library)
Toikko, Tomi (University of Tampere. Tampere University Library)
Study number / PID
urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3221 (URN)
The Open Science Survey charted views of researchers at the University of Tampere, Finland, on open access publishing and making scientific research data available, and examined how the University's practices and services should be developed in terms of promoting open science. First, the survey charted views on open access publishing with questions about post-print parallel publishing, open access, and factors that encouraged the respondents to parallel publish or otherwise publish with open access (e.g. researcher wants to promote open science, research funders require open access publishing). In addition, it was asked what prevented the researchers from parallel publishing in the University of Tampere's open access repository TamPub, and whether they had had to pay for open access publishing. Practices for making research data available were charted with questions regarding what happens to the respondents' research data after research is completed (e.g. data is erased, data is stored at the university, data is stored on researcher's own local drive, data is deposited with a data repository), and which data archives or repository service providers the respondents had deposited research data with. Factors that encouraged or prevented opening the respondents' research data were asked, as well as whether the respondents had themselves reused research data collected and shared by someone else. Finally, the survey charted the need for services providing assistance in research data management, open access publishing and opening research data. Background variables included faculty, academic career phase, and whether the respondent works alone or in a research group.