Summary information

Study title

Immigrant children and youths in the German and Israeli educational systems (second transition)


Adler, Irit (Tel Aviv University)
Bolotin-Chachashvili, Svetlana (Tel Aviv University)
Hämmerling, Aline (Universität Leipzig)
Jacob, Konstanze (Universität Mannheim)
Jahn, Judith (Universität Leipzig)
Kalter, Frank (Universität Mannheim)
Kogan, Irena (Universität Mannheim)
Kristen, Cornelia (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg)
Levin-Epstein, Noah (Tel Aviv University)
Roth, Tobias (Universität Mannheim)
Salikutluk, Zerrin (Universität Mannheim)
Shavit, Yossi (Tel Aviv University)
Steinmetz, Stephanie (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Study number / PID

ZA5085, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.11702 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


The project “Immigrants’ Children in the German and Israeli Educational Systems” studies children and adolescents with and without migration background in the educational systems of Germany and Israel. It focuses on studying recent immigrant groups stemming from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) – Jewish and Ethnic German immigrants – in comparison to “older” immigrant groups – persons with Turkish migration background in Germany and Mizrahi in Israel – and the respective reference population (Germans without any migration background in Germany and Ashkenazim in Israel). In this longitudinal study, immigrants’ decision patterns at several educational transitions in their educational careers are examined and these patterns are compared to those of the native population. There is a focus on various resources (economic, social and cultural) that a successful educational career requires as well as on intergenerational transmission of resources from parents to children.



Data collection period

13/10/2008 - 29/11/2008


Time dimension


Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

Mixed probability and non-probability

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.

Related publications

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