Study title
Opinions and Attitudes of the population in West Berlin
Shell, Kurt L. (Institut für politische Wissenschaft an der Freien Universität Berlin )
Study number / PID
ZA0066, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Berlin in the crisis situation after construction of the wall on 13.
Aug. 1961.
Topics: Judgement on the prospects for the future of Berlin; personal
prospects for the future; visits in the eastern part of the city before
construction of the wall; trip to the wall; assumptions about how long
the wall will remain in existence; assessment of the future political
task of Berlin; judgement on the East-West balance of power and the
current situation of Berlin; knowledge about the loudspeaker
broadcasts; judgement about measures of the senate; possibilities of
the Americans to prevent the wall; assumed reasons for toleration of
construction of the wall; judgement on the conduct of the Americans
after construction of the wall; assessment of the danger of war due to
Berlin; attitude to the suburban railway boycott and deployment of
police in demonstrations; judgement on the allied Berlin guarantees,
the foreign policy as well as general measures of the Federal
Government; judgement on the readiness for action for Berlin of West
Germans as well as selected politicians; personal participation in
political rallies; significance of the resignation of Willy Brandt;
possible concessions of the West in negotiations with the East;
attitude to the Oder-Neisse Line and assessment of the chances of
reunification; basic attitude to democracy and politics; attitude to
one or multi-party system; conduct regarding agents from the East;
assessment of the departures from Berlin; personal readiness to leave;
local residency; relatives in the East; newspapers read; political
interest; self-image of the Berliners and image of the West Germans;
political interest; party preference.
Demography: sex; age (classified); employment; occupation; school
education; religiousness; religious denomination; household income.