Summary information
Study title
Welfare state survey 1992
Edlund, Jonas (Department of Sociology, Umeå University)
Halleröd, Björn (Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg)
Svallfors, Stefan (Department of Sociology, Umeå University)
Åberg, Rune (Department of Sociology, Umeå University)
Study number / PID
snd0489-1-1.0 (SND) (DOI)
Data access
Not available
This survey inquiring the Swedish people´s attitudes towards their taxes was financed by the ministry of finance through the ´Kommittén för utvärdering av skattereformen´ (KUSK). For a number of statements occurring in the current Swedish debate the respondents had to state if they agreed or not. Other questions dealt with their opinion on public expenses and social service; if they wanted the amount of tax money spent on a number of different areas to increase, decrease or to be kept unchanged; how to finance education, medical service, child care and care of the elderly; and best suited to take care of education, medical service, child care, care of elderly, and social welfare. Furthermore, the respondents had to state how to distribute the responsibility for financing social insurances between the individual and the public sector; how common they believe it to be that social security benefits and social care services are misused. Respondents also had to report their own experiences of social services during the last three years. A number of questions dealt with opinions on the Swedish taxes; the pressure of taxation in general and the respondents´ judgement on total taxation for recipients of high, middle and low incomes; and opinion on the tax reform introduced in 1991. Socio-economic background information include occupation, trade union affiliation, education, housing, income, marital status, spouse´s occupation and income, number of children, citizenship of parents, and political preferences.
Data collection period
01/02/1992 - 01/05/1992
Time dimension
Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section
Analysis unit
Individuals aged 18-74 years and residing in Sweden
Sampling procedure
Probability: Simple random
Kind of data
Not availableData collection mode
Self-administered questionnaire: paper
Swedish National Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
Access to data through SND. Data are accessible by order.
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