Study title
Citizens and Welfare State
Study number / PID
ZA1143, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Economic, social and occupational situation of the population. Attitude
of the population to the welfare state system and individual social
Topics: judgement on one´s own economic situation in comparison over
time; satisfaction with income; judgement on the economic and social
situation of pensioners; judgement on adequate security of one´s own
provision for old age; detailed information on income composition;
payments received from the social services office or a charity
organization; attitude to the welfare state as well as to reducing
government expenditures in certain areas and especially social
expenditures; judgement on tax equity; interest in honorary activity in
the social area; social security versus personal responsibility;
occupational mobility; interest in change of company and change of
occupation; assessment of age limits for occupational development and
capability; time worked daily and weekly; personal times of absence at
work; attitude to reduction in working hours; assessment of the stress
burden at work; assessment of personal job security; knowledge about
the works council; satisfaction with the job of employee
representation; membership in a trade union and participation in
meetings; membership of family members in a trade union; definition of
the most important areas of social progress; adequate time for
relaxation and last vacation trip; need for help due to physical
handicap or age; persons or organizations providing assistance; person
in need of help in the household; degree of reduction in earning
Demography: age; sex; marital status; ages of children (classified);
school education; occupational training; occupation; employment; area
of business of company; company size; income; household income; sources
of income; household size; household composition; respondent is head of
household; characteristics of head of household; city size; degree of
urbanization; state; union membership.