Study title
Young people and politics in Britain: How do young people participate in politics and what can be done to strengthen their political connection?
Henn, M, Nottingham Trent University
Study number / PID
10.5255/UKDA-SN-850645 (DOI)
This project follows on from a national survey completed by the lead researcher in 2002 that investigated the attitudes towards politics held by British 18 year olds. That earlier study identified a significant degree of disengagement amongst young people, of whom only 39 per cent voted at the 2001 General Election.
The current study will focus upon a new generation of young people a decade later, and will examine whether or not their views about the political and democratic process differ from those recorded in 2002 – and if so how.
Firstly we will conduct a national online questionnaire survey amongst 1,000 18 year olds (voters and non-voters). Secondly we will carry out online focus groups with young people who opted not to vote at the recent 2010 General Election. Supplementing the survey with the use of focus groups will enable us to gain insights into what it is that influences young people’s decisions to abstain from voting, and what are the means by which young people might be reconnected to the political process.
The study is innovative in its use of online methods which will help to increase accessibility and the appeal of participation in the study for young people.