Study title
Austrian Interdisciplinary Study of the Oldest Old. Wave III. 2019-2022. The challenges of Old Age (SUF edition)
Stückler, Andreas (Austrian Interdisciplinary Platform on Ageing)
Ruppe, Georg (Austrian Interdisciplinary Platform on Ageing)
Söllner, Martin (Austrian Interdisciplinary Platform on Ageing)
Study number / PID
doi:10.11587/9JLVAC (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
Full edition for scientific use. This dataset contains data from the third wave of the Austrian Interdisciplinary Study of the Oldest Old (ÖIHS). The ÖIHS is an interdisciplinary study based on representative random sampling of the health, living and care situation of old people (80+) in Austria. The quantitative survey, in which standardized and internationally comparable survey instruments were used, was conducted predominantly by personal, questionnaire-based interviews (PAPI) in private households and nursing homes. A portion of the interviews (approximately 20%) had to be conducted in the form of an abbreviated telephone interview due to the Corona crisis. Thus, the data set comprises a total of 571 face-to-face interviews and 146 telephone interviews (n=717).