Summary information

Study title

Flash Eurobarometer 174 (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Access to Finance)


Papacostas, Antonis (European Commision, Brussels DG Communication, Public Opinion Analysis Sector )

Study number / PID

ZA4423, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.4423 (DOI)

Data access

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Access to finance of small and medium enterprises.Topics: development of the following indicators in the last six months: turnover, profit, profit margin, level of debt, cash flow, investment, level of exports, research and development, market share; existence of a development plan for the next three years; most important element to ensure the company’s development: better qualified people on the market, social and fiscal regulations more suited to the sector of activity, greater production capacity, easy access to means of financing, stricter regulation regarding competition from outside the EU, advice and support service for the development of the company; use of selected types of financing in the past: overdraft, leasing or renting, discount or factoring, increase in capital dedicated to venture capital funds or to private individuals, loans shorter or longer than a 3-year term, public subsidies; approximate amount of last loan; recent request for a loan less than 25000 €; needs to be met by this loan; assessment of the difficulties to obtain a loan less than 25000 € compared to other forms of company’s financing; most important elements to resort a loan less than 25000 €: lower interest rates, simpler procedures for granting loans, less demanding on guarantee requirements, shorter delays for granting loans; assessment of the current financing of the company as sufficient; institutions contacted to obtain financing: banks, public institutions, private financing companies, leasing or renting companies, venture capital companies, private investors; expectations regarding the increase of the company’s capital within the next years; measures to increase the company’s capital: opening-up capital to private individual investors or to venture capital companies, management buy-out, going on the stock exchange, opening-up capital to the company’s employees; assessment of the access to bank loans as easy; assessment of the development of the impediments to access bank...
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Data collection period

05/09/2005 - 19/09/2005


Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Spain, United Kingdom, Finland

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

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Sampling procedure

Probability: Stratified

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Telephone interview



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

0 - Data and documents are released for everybody.

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