Summary information

Study title

Process of Differentiation in Small-Scale Agricultural Family Businesses in Pelarco, Chile (1st Wave, 1984)


Rojas, Alvaro (Universidad de Talca, Chile )

Study number / PID

ZA5009, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.5009 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


Differentiation processes of the beneficiaries of agrarian reform after allocation of land in Pelarco, (Chile). Topics: type of land acquisition; time spent farming the land; length of time spent as a farmer; work carried out on the old property; membership and leadership position in organizations; interest in additional land acquisition; preferred land ownership; willingness to lease land owned; reasons for success and failure of agricultural activities; personal ideas of agricultural success; financial prerequisites for personal work migration; knowledge of the Colbun-Machicura project; knowledge of the country´s foreign debt; preference for a high level of competence vs. the economic necessity of working in filling a teaching position; assumed amount of salary of a teacher or college instructor; type of house construction; condition of house; size of house; location of kitchen; number of rooms and beds in total and per family member; possession of furniture; possession of a car; number of children; childrens´ average age and education level; amount of subsidy; social insurance contributions and social insurance institution; living in the house mentioned as well as structural changes made; construction of barns; value of fencing; ownership of capital; ownership of machines and animals at the time of allocation. Additionally encoded were: identification of interviewer and place of interview. In addition the data set contains the encoding of open questions about technical production knowledge and ability, the willingness to improve on this knowledge as well as analogous questions on knowledge and ability in the area of business management and the willingness to expand on this knowledge. The answers were each assigned points from 1 (bad) to 10 (good).


Not available


Data collection period

06/1984 - 09/1984


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

Systematic random sample based on the property tax register.

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Oral interview with standardized questionnaire



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

C - Data and documents are only released for academic research and teaching after the data depositor's written authorization. For this purpose the Data Archive obtains a written permission with specification of the user and the analysis intention.

Related publications

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