Study title
Editing EU-SILC UDB Longitudinal Data for Differential Mortality Analyses. SAS code and documentation.
Göllner, Tobias (Statistik Austria)
Klotz, Johannes (Statistik Austria)
Study number / PID
doi:10.11587/ZOOBKE (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
This SAS code extracts data from EU-SILC User Database (UDB) longitudinal files and edits it such that a file is produced that can be further used for differential mortality analyses. Information from the original D, R, H and P files is merged per person and possibly pooled over several longitudinal data releases. Vital status information is extracted from target variables DB110 and RB110, and time at risk between the first interview and either death or censoring is estimated based on quarterly date information.
Apart from path specifications, the SAS code consists of several SAS macros. Two of them require parameter specification from the user. The other ones are just executed. The code was written in Base SAS, Version 9.4.
By default, the output file contains several variables which are necessary for differential mortality analyses, such as sex, age, country, year of first interview, and vital status information. In addition, the user may specify the analytical variables by which mortality risk should be compared later, for example educational level or occupational class. These analytical variables may be measured either at the first interview (the baseline) or at the last interview of a respondent. The output file is available in SAS format and by default also in csv format.