The dataset consists of media diaries in which the participants described their media use on 10 March 2021. Additionally, the participants could write about the role of media in their everyday lives. The data collection was conducted by the University of Lapland and the University of Helsinki. The Finnish Literature Society previously carried out the One Day Media Diaries data collection in 2001, data from which are also available at FSD (FSD1306 One-Day Media Diaries 2001). The participants described what media they used, followed, watched, listened to, or read on 10 March 2021, and how they used media to communicate with others. The participants also reflected on the feelings and thoughts that the media they encountered and interacted with during the day evoked in them. The goal was to find out what role and significance different media had in the participants' lives both in the present and in the past. The diaries also include writing on the media that the participants perceive to be important parts of their everyday lives. Media in the data include newspapers, literature, radio, television, internet, and social media. Background information included the participant's gender, date of birth, occupation, and municipality of residence. The dataset is only available in Finnish.