Summary information

Study title

Lessons from youth-centred disaster risk reduction approaches in El Salvador and the Philippines 2007-2010


Tanner, T, Institute of Development Studies

Study number / PID

852355 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-852355 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Data derived from group work methods is summarised in 20 field reports of ~20 pages each, supported by longer field notes, both in word text documents. For 10 sites, these are accompanied by excel-based presentation of matrices developed during ranking exercises. Semi-structured interview data were captured through transcripts and/or notes (those from El Salvador in Spanish, from Philippines in English).

Children and young people are commonly regarded as passive victims of disaster events. Accordingly, responses are dominated by top-down efforts targeted at adults, who are assumed to be attuned to the needs of their families and to act to protect their immediate and long-term interests. Despite increasing interest in the potential of children to act as agents of change, their role in conceptualising and communicating risks related to climate change and disasters remains largely unexplored. In this context, this research project investigates the agency of children and young people to conceptualise, convey and act upon disaster risk information. Using participatory research methods, it will draw on case study research on child-centred disaster risk reduction initiatives in El Salvador and the Philippines. The project is being undertaken in partnership with the non-governmental organisation Plan International and its country offices, as well as national research institutes. User engagement and interaction will be stressed throughout the project and research findings will contribute to debates on the effective implementation and facilitation of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the context of a growing global disaster burden.


Data collection period

01/09/2007 - 31/12/2010


El Salvador, Philippines

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Housing Unit


Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

The core methods for generating data were: 1. Semi-structured interviews at the household level to collect data from other household members; 2. Participatory workshops with children’s groups and groups of adults and parents in the community. Within workshops, methods used included: (1) Mapping: Risks (hazards, vulnerabilities, capacities), Stakeholders, Communication pathways; (2) Ranking: Risks, Adaptation and risk management actions; (3) Drawing: Visioning exercises for their future and that of the community, Feelings, Motivations for participation; (4) Transect walks: Risk identification, Action plans; (5) Acting and theatre: Re-enacting impacts of disaster events and responses, Advocating for behavioural and policy change by others; (6) Pyramid diagrams: Visual representation of pathway from problem to action; (7) Races: Creating lists for rapid identification of benefits of different actions; (8) Participatory video Researching disaster risk issues, Creating dialogue and raising awareness, Advocacy for change.Workshops with 29 groups of children and young people of between 6 and 25 individuals. Workshops with 20 groups of adults. Individuals interviewed: adults and parents (233), children (67), key social actors (43).

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

Not available