Study title
Sicherheit 2020. The Trend of Opinions on Foreign, Security, and Defense Policy
Szvircsev Tresch, Tibor
Wenger, Andreas
Study number / PID
8ff2e0be-66d6-4422-9c0a-c111288d0ff3 (SWISSUbase)
10.23662/FORS-DS-1315-1 (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
This survey is part of the study series "Security". This series of studies is based on a representative survey of security policy opinion-forming in Switzerland carried out in 1983. This survey was conducted at the Institute of Sociology Unitobler University of Bern by K. Haltiner and was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (NRP No. 11 "Security Policy", Project 4.419.0.81.11). Since 1991, opinion-forming in security policy has been collected annually since January/February and published under the title "Security". At the same time, the survey was expanded to include questions on foreign policy and the general feeling of security. The project is now being led by the Military Sociology Lectureship of the Military Academy at ETH Zurich and the Center for Security Studies of ETH Zurich.
The aim of these surveys is to identify trends and tendencies with regard to the general perception of security and threats, confidence in institutions and authorities, the degree of cooperation in foreign and security policy, neutrality in general and different views of neutrality, attitudes towards military defence and the interest in security policy. In addition to a core of questions that are asked at all times or at irregular intervals, they are also asked annually on current security policy issues.
In 2020, the focus will be on the level of defense policy knowledge among the Swiss electorate, the reasons for the perceived necessity and non-necessity of the armed forces, the compatibility of militia and career, and the benefits of militia experience for career and everyday life.
In addition to the trend analysis, the series of studies also focuses on the question of the extent to which attitudes towards the three issues (general security, foreign policy and defence policy) are related to living conditions and political orientation.