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Writing in social work professional practice 2014-2018
Lillis, T, The Open University
Leedham, M, The Open University
Twiner, A, The Open University
Study number / PID
853522 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-853522 (DOI)
Data access
Not available
Data collection consists of the following 5 datasets:
a) 4,570 texts of social worker writing (casenotes, assessment reports, emails and miscellaneous 'other') collected constituting a corpus of just under 1 million words. A list of the most 100 frequent words, a word cloud of key semantic domains and selected concordance lines are also provided.
b) 81 semi-structured interviews undertaken with 65 social workers and 6 managers focusing on the core participant interview questions. Interviews with a further 8 additional participants - with service managers and directors, a welfare rights worker and a student social worker - focusing on specific issues were also recorded and transcribed.
c) 10 weeks of researcher observations comprising fieldnotes of social workers' activities (‘daily observation chronologies’).
d) 483 days of social worker writing activity logs detailing writing and other activities undertaken.
e) 42 text clusters. Each of these gives a summary of a social worker case plus associated texts (casenotes, emails, assessment reports). The production and use of written texts is a high stakes activity in professional social work, playing a central role in all decisions about actions and services for people and at the same time used to evaluate social workers' professional competence. However, little empirical research has been carried out to date on the writing demands and practices of everyday social work and their changing nature given the range of technologies being used.
The research project ‘Writing in professional social work practice in a changing communicative landscape’(WiSP) is an ESRC-funded research study involving five local authorities in the UK, exploring both the range of written texts produced and the writing practices of social workers. The research centres on three main domains of social work - children’s, adults’ generic care and adults’ mental health.
The main objectives of the study were to:
1. Offer a detailed description and...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
19/01/2016 - 30/11/2018
Time dimension
Not available
Analysis unit
Time unit
Text unit
Not available
Sampling procedure
Not available
Kind of data
Data collection mode
WiSP combines the methodologies of ethnography and corpus linguistics to provide rich data sets of social workers’ writing. Interviews were conducted across five participating Local Authorities in the UK and observations, writing logs and text collections were carried out in three of these LAs. In each case, access was first granted by the Local Authority, then social worker participants were sought through email, requests at meetings and word-of-mouth. Through extensive negotiation with representatives of Local Authorities around the potential value of the research project, we successfully secured access to data from the three main social worker domains of practice - children’s care, adults generic care, adult mental health care, and within these from a range of specific practices, e.g. social care relating to adoption, child sexual exploitation, dementia. The procedure for sampling and creating each of the five datasets uploaded to Reshare was as follows:- a) The corpus contains social workers’ casenotes, emails, reports and other texts from 38 participating social workers in the three main Local Authorities. All texts provided by the social workers were accepted. b) The set of transcripts results from semi-structured interviews with social workers and managers, as well as service managers and directors, a welfare rights worker and a student social worker, across the five participating Local Authorities in England.c) The ‘Daily Observation Chronologies’ comprises a summary plus selected field notes for each of 10 weeks of researcher observations. d) The logs of social worker writing were written by participating social workers throughout 20 working days in the three main Local Authorities.e) The text clusters are researcher accounts of specific social work cases and the written texts associated with each case.
Funding information
Grant number
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service. All requests are subject to the permission of the data owner or his/her nominee. Please email the contact person for this data collection (cc'ing in the ReShare inbox) to request permission to access the data, explaining your reason for wanting access to the data.
No commercial use of the data is allowed.