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Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) was introduced as a condition with significant consequences requiring further research (American Psychiatric Association-APA, 2013). This study assessed, over a maximum period of three months, a sample of 60 Australian/permanent residents, players of massively multiplayer online (MMO) games, aged between 18 to 29 years about their IGD behaviors. IGD behaviors have been shown to peak among MMO gamers within this age range, and are related to individual, family and gaming associated risk and protective factors (Kuss & Griffiths, 2012).The present study used a battery of questionnaires to assess psychopathological behaviors (i.e depression, anxiety, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity symptoms) and personality traits as individual factors, family relationships (family cohesion) as a family factor. Additional measures were: the level that the gamer is absorbed by the game action (online flow), and the game context (presence) and the bond between the gamer and his figure of representation (avatar) in the game (user self-presence) as gaming patterns related to IGD behaviors. Physiological activity and sleep duration were additionally measured using a fitness tracker (wearable actograph-bracelet). Basic demographic (i.e. gender, age, relationship status) and internet use questions (i.e. daily time consumed online) were included. Participants were provided with a plain language information sheet (PLS) and informed of all information needed toconsent to the study. Participants were then invited to complete the survey (40 minutes approximately) and to wear the fitness tracker (three days per measurement). The data were collected either online (survey monkey/lime survey) or face to face across three time points, one month apart, and participants’ measures were matched through a re-identifiable code. The study looked at unveiling risk and protective (individual, family and gaming related) factors for IGD behaviors.Procedure:Inclusion...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.