Summary information

Study title

Identifying, discovering and marketing grey literature in Science in the English-speaking Caribbean: A Case Study of Jamaica’s Scientific Information Units


K. Robinson (University of the West Indies, Mona Library)

Study number / PID

doi:10.17026/dans-zw5-f5mn (DOI)

easy-dataset:177362 (DANS-KNAW)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


The collected data represent responses from fourteen (14) participants to an online questionnaire, whose responses facilitated the production of a research paper: “Identifying, discovering and marketing grey literature in Science in the English-speaking Caribbean: A Case Study of Jamaica’s Scientific Information Units” published in IFLA Library in October 2019. The participants were the total population of the 21 active former members of the Scientific and Technical Information Network (STIN), after it was ascertained via telephone calls that 5 of the 28 units listed in the available Directory were defunct, and that 2 had no librarians. STIN is now incorporated along with other broad subject networks such as the Social & Economic Information Network (SECIN) into a single entity called Government Libraries Information Network & Associates. The dataset comprises answers to twenty-one (21) questions of which 17 allowed for single responses; 2 multiple responses which solicited additional responses; and 2 open ended responses. Of the total single response questions, 10 solicited additional responses. Question 7 is a unique single response question which facilitates the checking of the box of “Other” and/ or supplying additional Information. The survey consisted of 4 main sections: demographics and awareness [comprising 9 questions]; challenges and strategies with organization [comprising 6 questions]; and the advocacy and marketing of grey literature [comprising 5 questions]; and a single free range question requiring the respondents to give their personal experiences in identifying, discovering and marketing grey literature. The data was collected from May 2019 to June 2019 via survey monkey, where it remains stored along with a copy housed in the DANS Easy Archive. Its creative commons status facilitates its reuse and there is potential for comparison with similar subjects.


Not available


Data collection period

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Time dimension

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Analysis unit

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Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data

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Data collection mode

Not available



DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities

Publication year


Terms of data access

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Related publications

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