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An experimental investigation of the use of nudges embedded in tax filing software to reduce error rates 2013-2018
Grimshaw, S, University of Exeter
Fonseca, M, University of Exeter
Study number / PID
853489 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-853489 (DOI)
Data access
Not available
The data contains the experimental response from subjects recruited through Prolific in the completion of a tax form for a series of business expenses associated with a small business owner. Upon completion of the initial tax filing tasks, subjects were potentially shown a report with further information about their tax return - specifically a feedback report with nudges to act on the information provided.
The primary research questions were: Can correct nudges embedded within tax filing software increase compliance?
What effect may incorrect nudges embedded within tax filing software have on compliance? Are particular forms of nudges more effective in raising compliance than others?Good tax design and administration are central to the functioning of the economy. Taxes are important determinants of economic behaviour, and good implementation can significantly increase economic and social welfare. The role of the Tax Administration Research Centre is to deliver research that enhances tax policy and provides lasting benefit to the economy. There are many research tools that can contribute to this goal but the greatest success will be achieved by combining a range of research methodologies and disciplines.
The Centre will unite researchers from two institutions with distinguished reputations for research into tax administration and tax design. Complementary abilities and methodologies will be brought together to address a wide range of intersecting research projects. The research methodologies will include economic modelling, econometric analysis, experimentation, numerical simulation, and qualitative analysis. In undertaking its work the Centre will make extensive use of the HMRC/HMT Datalab to permit innovative empirical work to be undertaken.
Some examples of the research projects to be conducted at the Centre are:
Risk-based auditing and taxpayers' responses will investigate the reaction of taxpayers to audits, and how this will change the pattern of compliance...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
01/06/2013 - 31/08/2018
United Kingdom
Time dimension
Not available
Analysis unit
Not available
Sampling procedure
Not available
Kind of data
Data collection mode
Data was collected through a bespoke website.Subjects were recruited through the academic system Prolific, which contains a large number of people pre-registred to undertake online studies. We pre-filtered through Prolific for UK residents with self-employment or entrepreneurial experience.Subjects were forwarded to the experimental web site and given a set of instructions about the tax filing task. The main element being that they were incentivised to enter correct details as each mistake would lead to a reduction in their payment for the task.Having completed a comprehension check, subjects were informed about the tax filing "software" and the associated tax guidance for completing the task. The main task comprised of 16 expenses for which subjects had to categorise if the expense was allowable, and if so, under what tax category. There were two main technical treatments, in one subjects had to additional calculate by category totals and enter them. In the second, subjects simply had to assign an allowable value to each of the items.There were 5 treatments with regard to the feedback (nudges) information displayed after the initial submission:NONE - no nudgeRES - a set of nudges based on errors in the subjects tax declarationOTHER - a specific nudge in relation to the Other Business Expenses category was always displayedAIA - a specific nudge in relation to the AIA category was always displayedCOST - a specific nudge in relation to the Cost of goods category was always displayedKey measures include if a subject returned to reconsider their tax return, which items they changed, and whether any changes lead to more or less correct items being reported in their final tax submission.
Funding information
Grant number
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access.