Summary information

Study title

Multiscopo ISTAT - Security of Citizens (2008-2009)



Study number / PID

SN107 (UniData)

Data access



SIC - Security of citizens

The Multiscopo survey Security of citizens focuses on the detection of certain offenses against the person and against property (the number of victims, the propensity to report crimes and their motivations, the dynamics of the crime), the perception of security in their own living environment, socio-environmental degradation of the area where you live and the protection measures adopted by families to protect their homes. It also detects the data on sexual harassment and sexual harassment on the job and the difficulties in relationships in the workplace. From the survey in 2008-2009,...

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The survey Security of Citizens relates to the detection of certain offenses against the person and against property ( the number of victims, the propensity to report crimes and their motivations, the dynamics of the crime ), the perception of security in their living environment , the socio-environmental degradation of the area where you live and the protection measures adopted by families to protect their homes. It also detects the data on sexual harassment and sexual harassment on the job and the difficulties in relationships in the workplace. The questionnaire, very detailed, is divided into the following sections: - time outside home and the perception of security; - screening individual offenses: robbery (perpetrated and attempted), pickpocketing (perpetrated and attempted), theft of personal property (perpetrated and attempted), robbery (perpetrated and attempted); - in-depth analysis for the crime: theft; - in-depth analysis for the offense: pickpocketing; - in-depth analysis for the crime: theft of personal items; - in-depth analysis for the crime: robbery; - in-depth analysis for the offense: cloning, scams; - in-depth analysis for the offense: threats, assault; - screening family offenses: burglary, theft of objects external to the main and secondary house, trespassing, theft of vehicle, theft of motor vehicle parts and objects in vehicles, vandalism against the house, vehicles, or other properties, animal theft and abuse; - in-depth analysis for the crime: theft of vehicle; - in-depth analysis for the crime: theft of motor vehicle parts and objects into vehicles; - in-depth analysis for the crime: burglary and theft of items external to the home; - in-depth analysis for the crime: trespassing; - in-depth analysis for the crime: sexual harassment, sexual harassment at work, distress in labor relations; - home security systems. It's possible to perform analysis on individuals, families and on the characteristics of individual offenses.


Data collection period

01/05/2008 - 30/04/2009



Time dimension

longitudinal (trend repeated cross-section)

Analysis unit



whole national population

Sampling procedure

about 60.000 families. Two-stage stratified random sample

Kind of data

individual data

Data collection mode

Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI)



UniData - Bicocca Data Archive

Publication year


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