Study title
Bridging practice and research into teaching and learning with technology
Hennessy, S, University of Cambridge
Study number / PID
10.5255/UKDA-SN-850408 (DOI)
This research synthesises and disseminates the 'T-MEDIA' (Teacher Mediation of Subject Learning with ICT: a Multimedia Approach) project and prior work. It aims to consolidate and develop a distinctive line of empirical enquiry and theorising about the critical role of the secondary teacher in purposefully exploiting interactive whiteboards (large touch-controlled screens projecting a computer image) to support subject learning. These tools have been permeating United Kingdom schools at a rapid rate over the last few years, although debate continues regarding their pedagogical benefits. The Fellowship activities include: Writing a book to describe and evaluate the innovative methodology underlying the sustained practitioner-researcher collaboration and theory building in T-MEDIA Assessing the subsequent impact of collaborative research on participating teachers' professional development and practice through analysis of follow-up interviews A series of pioneering pilot case studies trialling a whole class ('dialogic') interactive teaching approach which uses the whiteboard as a 'shared communication space' Organising an international conference on cutting-edge research into the use of interactive technologies in whole-class settings and bringing together practitioners, researchers and policymakers to exchange, generate and evaluate new ideas.