Study title
Current Questions on Climate Policy 2020 (Cumulated Data Set)
Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung, Berlin
Study number / PID
ZA7658, Version 5.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Attitudes towards climate protection and evaluation of political measures for climate protection.
Topics: Concerns about the possible consequences of climate change; assessment of the commitment of various actors to climate change (Federal government, industry, citizens); assessment of various political measures to protect the climate as useful (cheaper long-distance rail travel, higher taxes on air travel, state support for replacing old oil heating systems, higher commuter allowance, higher state purchase premium for electric cars, introduction of a CO2 tax on petrol, diesel, heating oil and natural gas, subsidies for electricity costs for low-income earners); current political measures are appropriate, go too far or do not go far enough); agreement on individual statements on climate protection (the state should prohibit climate-damaging behaviour, concern that I should restrict myself to climate protection in my everyday life in future, the current political measures on climate protection are an incentive for me to behave in a more climate-friendly way in my everyday life, I feel well informed about what I can personally contribute to climate protection, my own behaviour with regard to climate protection also influences the behaviour of my friends and acquaintances); evaluation of the proposal to introduce a minimum fee of 3 euros for returns in online trade as reasonable.
Demography: sex; age; education; employment status; household size; number of persons aged 14 and over in the household; party preference; eligible to vote; household income (grouped); survey by mobile or landline phone.
Additionally coded was: ID; weighting factor; month; date of interview; city size (BIK regions); federal state; survey area west/ east.