Study title
NOKUT National Student Survey 2020, Primary File
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
The NOKUT National Student Survey 2020 is a national survey of the students' experienced quality of education. The survey is carried out by NOKUT (The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education) on behalf of the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research.
The purpose of Studiebarometeret is to strenghten the quality work in higher education and give useful information about educational quality. The survey is conducted annually during October-November. In the autumn of 2020, the NOKUT National Student Survey 2020 was completed for the eighth time. More than 30,000 students responded, which is 44% of those who received the survey. This is fewer than in 2019 (49 percent), and has to be seen in connection with the Corona virus pandemic and the challenges this led to. The survey encompassed around 1800 study programmes. The survey goes out on an annual basis to 2nd-year bachelor's students, 2nd-year master's students, and to 2nd and 5th-year students enrolled in master's programmes with a duration of five years or longer. 3/4 of the questionnaire is the same each year, while 1/4 can be changed.
The NOKUT National Student Survey 2020 consists of four data files. This file contains all information on all variables (both subject groups, study programmes and institutions). The data file also contains person identifying information and is therefore only made available for persons or institutions that are included in a data processing agreement. To gain access to the data file, the processing of personal data must be reported to the Data Protection Officer or The Norwegian Data Protection Authority. For institutions that have an agreement with Sikt, the project must be reported to Sikt Data Protection Services.