Summary information

Study title

Replication files for: Who should pay for higher education?


Schönhage, Nanna Lauritz ( Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Busemeyer, Marius R. ( University of Konstanz)
Schwerdt, Guido ( University of Konstanz)

Study number / PID

10.7802/2758 (GESIS)

10.7802/2758 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


This replication package refers to a paper entitled 'Who should pay for higher education?' which has not yet been published. The reference will be added as soon as the paper is published. The debate over free versus tuition-based higher education centers on their significant social, economic, and political consequences, particularly regarding social mobility and economic inequality. However little is known about public preferences for higher education finance, especially when the potential choice set of policy options is broadened and when equity considerations become more salient. We conduct a survey experiment on a representative sample of the German population (N=6208) to study this. We find that making respondents aware of the inequalities of the free system, makes respondents more supportive of all tuition fee systems. Regardless of experimental variation, respondents are more supportive of alternative tuition fee policies that depend on the students' downstream income, or on their parental income. This support increases with the experimental information treatments. The published Stata syntax file (do-file) and the dataset (a partial version of the 2020 Inequality barometer published under can be used to replicate the results in the article.


Not available


Not available


Data collection period

Not available



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Not available


Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Not available



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

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Free access (with registration) - The research data can be downloaded by registered users.

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