Study title
New metrics for exploring the relationship between mobility and successful ageing
McInnes, L, Northumbria University
Study number / PID
10.5255/UKDA-SN-850520 (DOI)
Ageing is generally associated with a decrease in mobility and social interaction and this decrease can be dependent upon various health and social factors. However sustained levels of activity are important for successful ageing and those for whom mobility is a problem suffer in a variety of ways. Social lives can be restricted and the less mobile become more limited in terms of their access to nutrition, leisure and other activities leading to dependence on others for visits to shops and to use other services. This study aims to examine actual mobility patterns of older people by utilising and developing innovative methods including accelerometry and location-aware technologies for mapping the mobility of a surviving cohort of 'oldest old' as they move through their world. These actual mobility reports will be compared with self-reported mobility, cognitive and mental well-being, health, diet and participation in social activities in order to establish the predictors and consequences of mobility amongst the oldest old. These new mobility measures together with indices of health and lifestyle will also help to identify older adults at risk and, in addition, interventions can be suggested which will have a positive impact on maintenance of mobility for future generations.