Intersecting patterns of everyday life and socio-spatial changes in the city. Migrant and local women in the neighbourhoods of Athens
Vaioy, Dina (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
Varouchaki, E. (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
Gkoutidi, A. (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
Kalantidis, M. (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
Karali, M. (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
Kefalea, R. (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
Lafazani, O. (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
Likogianni, R. (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
Marnelakis, G. (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
Monemvasitou, A. (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
Mpacharopoulou, A (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
Mpalacouta, Νt (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
Papasimaki, K. (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
Papaioanou, A. (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
Tounta, F. (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
Foteiou, Th. (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
Chatzivasileiou, S. (National Technical University of Athens, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
* Social-spatial changes in the city and in central neighborhoods of Athens, where a significant number of immigrants and immigrants settle after 1990. The reasons for choosing specific residential areas (neighborhoods), changes in private and collective consumption in these areas, the use of public space are investigated , neighborhood and neighborhood redefinitions.
* Changes in the daily life of local women and immigrants, whose daily lives are intertwined through the employee-employer relationship, through the use of urban space, to the formation of which they contribute. The ways of integration of migrant women in the (formal and informal) labor market, the combinations of paid and family work, the relations between women, the access to the free time and the life of the city are investigated
* Gender relationships and individual and collective identities that are formed through the above relationships. Explore the ways in which they are expressed in the city and redefine the meanings, uses and functions of space at different scales (home, neighborhood, city, migration route), changes and (reciprocal) adaptations in everyday life that take place through the relationship of locals women and immigrants.