Study title
Flash Eurobarometer 464 (Fake News and Disinformation Online)
Study number / PID
ZA6934, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
10.4232/1.13019 (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
Topics: use of the following media: printed newspapers and magazines, online newspapers and magazines, news agencies, online social networks and messaging apps, TV, radio, news aggregators, video hosting websites, other; usage frequency of online social networks; activities in online social networks: read or listen to content shared by others, share content found by oneself, share content found by others; trustworthiness of news and information in: printed newspapers and magazines, online newspapers and magazines, online social networks and messaging apps, TV, radio, video hosting websites and podcasts; frequency of encountering false information; self-rated ability to identify false information; assessment of the existence of false information as a serious problem: in the own country, for democracy in general; responsible actors in tackling fake news. Demography: nationality; possession of selected communication devices and computers; internet connection at home; age; sex; age at end of education; occupation; professional position; type of community; household composition and household size; region. Additionally coded was: respondent ID; country; type of phone line; nation group; weighting factor.
Data collection period
07/02/2018 - 09/02/2018
Time dimension
Not availableAnalysis unit
Not availableUniverse
Not availableSampling procedure
Kind of data
Not availableData collection mode
GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences
Publication year