Summary information

Study title

Finnish Self-Report Delinquency Study 1995


Aromaa, Kauko (National Research Institute of Legal Policy (Optula))
Kivivuori, Janne (National Research Institute of Legal Policy (Optula))

Study number / PID

FSD1128 (FSD)

urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD1128 (URN)

10.60686/t-fsd1128 (DOI)

Data access



Finnish Self-Report Delinquency Study

The National Research Institute of Legal Policy, now called the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy, launched a long-term research project in spring 1995 to study young people's criminal and forbidden activities. In the FSRD surveys, information has been gathered with the self-report method: the participants, 9th grade students from different parts of Finland, have answered anonymously to questions about their own criminal or forbidden activities.


The survey studied the extent, frequency, and nature of self-reported offending among young Finns. The main topics were truancy, running away from home, fare evasion, driving without a license, doing graffiti, vandalism at school, vandalism outside school, stealing from a store or a kiosk, stealing from school, stealing from home, buying stolen goods, bullying, taking part in fighting, beating up somebody, use of mild drugs and pills, and drink-driving. The respondents were asked whether they had ever been involved in any of these activities and if so, whether the police had been notified if the activities were illegal. In addition, the respondents were asked when they had started the activity in question and whether they had been involved in it during the previous year. If the respondents answered in the affirmative, they were asked if they had been alone or with somebody at the moment, and whether they had been caught. The respondents were also asked topic-related questions like what they had stolen from a store or what the reason for bullying had been. In the survey, all respondents were asked to what extent they agreed with statements relating to young people and offences, and what kind of punishments should be used. Among others, the following topics were dealt with: mitigating punishment due to circumstances, how common or normal illegal activities were during puberty, causes of criminality, and the seriousness of petty theft as a crime. Furthermore, the respondents were asked whether they would do some or any of the following forbidden things in the future: truancy, fare evasion, petty theft, theft, mild assault and battery, use of mild drugs. The respondents were also asked whether they thought it was normal that young people break the rules set by their parents, the rules of the school, or break the law. In the survey, the respondents were also asked about the severity of various punishments (house arrest, imprisonment, fine) in a situation where a young...
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Data collection period

04/1995 - 05/1995



Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Analysis unit



9th grade students (generally aged 15-16) of Finnish-speaking municipal comprehensive schools

Sampling procedure


Kind of data


Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaire



Finnish Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

The dataset is (C) available only for research including master's theses.

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