Study title
The Manchester Language Study: Eleven-year-old data for children with developmental language disorders attending language units in England 1999-2001
Conti-Ramsden, G, The University of Manchester
Botting, N, City, University of London
Durkin, K, University of Strathclyde
Toseeb, U, University of York
Study number / PID
10.5255/UKDA-SN-853965 (DOI)
The project aimed to follow up participants of the Manchester Language Study (MLS) when they were in their final year of primary education (Year 6). Participants were on average 11 years of age and had originally been recruited as part of the MLS when they were 7 years of age (Year 2) and were attending language units in England. The project aims included: a) determining sensitive markers for developmental language disorders (DLD), b) examining literacy abilities of children with DLD, c) investigating social difficulties and victimization and d) documenting changes in educational placements, National Curriculum assessment outcomes and the long‐term educational needs of children with DLD. The Manchester Language Study (MLS) began in 1995 and spans approximately 20 years from childhood to early adulthood. This collection includes data related to the MLS cohort which was gathered during their final year of primary education (prior to the transition to secondary education). The data for the MLS cohort at the time of recruitment (7 years of age) is published and available in ReShare (publication reference 853746, link provided under Related resources). The data for the MLS cohort in early adulthood is also published and available in ReShare (publication reference 852066, link provided under Related resources).