Summary information

Study title

Understanding Risks and Building Enhanced Capabilities in Latin American Cities: Vulnerability and Risk Perception Data - El Pacifico Case Study, 2019-2021


Porto De Albuquerque, J, University of Glasgow
Ulbrich, P, University of Glasgow

Study number / PID

857002 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-857002 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


This dataset includes information about the physical vulnerability and risk perception in the self-constructed neighbourhood El Pacífico in Medellín, URBE Latam's case study neighbourhood in Colombia. The GIS data results were created through participatory data collection with the local community, where participants used printed maps and the questionnaire to indicate their views on physical vulnerability and risk, drawing on the expertise of project team members from the British Geological Survey. The community risk perception data includes the community’s perceptions regarding several types of geohazards and memories of past hazard events in their neighbourhood. Guided by the community’s priorities for data collection, the GIS data contains occupants’ perceptions of the building conditions, as well as memories of past disaster events and damages to the buildings. These datasets result from multiple interactions between the local project team and the community leaders. The co-production of the physical vulnerability and risk perception data led to two outcomes: 1) Fine-grained and richer data on factors of vulnerability and risk in the neighbourhood. Prior to the project, the neighbourhood had been unmapped. The project produced detailed and geospatial risk data. 2) The co-productive activity further strengthened the community’s ability for self-empowerment for risk reduction. Due to the co-productive nature of the data creation process, the data was directly relevant for community initiatives, such as the community’s own training curriculum for disaster risk reduction. It also enabled the community to proactively engage with the municipal government to negotiate policy interventions for risk reduction and post-disaster recovery. The data deposited here are thus a result of a novel collection protocol to generate trusted data for municipal disaster risk reduction policy-making and community self-organisation.URBE Latam addresses the implementation gap...
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Data collection period

01/11/2019 - 30/09/2021



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Housing Unit


Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Physical vulnerability data:Data regarding physical vulnerability was collected through a survey. The survey consisted of two methodological tools: 1) a resident questionnaire regarding the topics indicated in the data description section. This was directly transferred from the community members’ hand-written annotations in printed-out maps into the GIS software. The scans of the individual community members’ annotations cannot be shared due to data protection.2) geospatial data on the buildings’ structural characteristics from a walkthrough of the sample area with KOBO Collect – uploaded to this collection GIS files.Risk perception data:Two-step data generation:1) structured questionnaire on risk perception, as indicated in the Risk Perception questionnaire. This was directly transferred from the community members’ hand-written replies into the GIS software. The scans of the individual community members’ replies cannot be shared due to data protection.2) iterative participatory mapping with the community to identify risk level concerning the various hazard types across the neighbourhood.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access.

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Not available