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Identification. Political attitudes and behaviour. Social and political commitment and integration.
Topics: Identification: country of birth; year of immigration to the Federal Republic of Germany; reasons for immigration; German citizenship; foreign citizenship; German citizenship by birth, as (late) ethnic German repatriate without or with a German citizenship, by naturalisation; year of naturalisation; previous nationality; nationality(s) of parents; country of birth of parents; desire to acquire German nationality; religion: denomination or religious community; religious group membership within Islam; pride and identification: equal opportunities in Germany; current territory of the country of origin of father and mother; identification with the country of origin of father and of mother; identification with Germany; invitation to join a German family; considerations about working in the German civil service; like to work in Germany; language spoken in the household; respect shown in Germany; more interest in politics in Germany or in the country of origin; main reasons for dissatisfaction.
Political attitudes and behaviour:
Electoral behaviour: party preference (Sunday question); alternative vote; party that the respondent would never vote for; proximity to party in Turkey (sympathy); party membership (party); political interest; satisfaction with democracy;
Political knowledge: knowledge of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany; knowledge of Chancellor Angela Merkel´s party affiliation; political participation: personal opportunities for political participation in Germany and in the country of origin.
Parties, politicians, political problems: sympathy scale for the parties SPD, CDU, CSU, Die Linke, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, FDP, and AfD; currently the most important problem in Germany; problem-solving competence of the parties; better representation of personal interests by politicians with a migration background; naming the...
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Not available
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
08/01/2015 - 18/04/2015
Time dimension
Analysis unit
Not available
Not available
Sampling procedure
Non-probability: Quota
Representative random sample with exceeding the quota of Germans with a migration background (N=1006) and foreigners (N=1010)
A total of 3034 persons were interviewed, 1018 of them Germans without a migration background, 1006 Germans with a migration background and 1010 foreigners living in Germany.