Summary information

Study title

Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations: Cardiff Travel Survey, Wave 2, 2022


Poortinga, W, Cardiff University

Study number / PID

856608 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-856608 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


The Cardiff Travel Survey is a longitudinal survey that aims to (a) establish current and previous (before the coronavirus outbreak) travel habits; (b) explore how travel-related attitudes, social norms and perceptions change over time; and (c) examine the interplay between individual (perceptual) and environmental (infrastructural) factors in travel mode choice, in particular in relation to the uptake of active travel such as walking and cycling in the City of Cardiff, Wales. The Cardiff Travel Survey 2022 (Wave 2) is an opportunity sample that was collected in 2022 (n=968) by the Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST), and is the second of a longitudinal series of surveys to be held annually for the duration of the centre. Data for the Cardiff Travel Survey 2022 were collected between 03 May 2022 and 20 July 2022. Participants of the Cardiff Travel Survey 2021 who consented (n=512) were recontacted via email to invite them to take part in the 2022 survey. Furthermore, participants were recruited through posts on social media, such as Facebook® and Twitter®. Invitations were posted on CAST and investigator accounts. The posts on Twitter and Facebook were promoted to make them more visible in the area. The survey was hosted on the Qualtrics online survey platform and available in both English and Welsh. Inclusion criteria were that participants had to be at least 18 years of age and live in or travel regularly to Cardiff. The English version of the survey was completed by 1,034 respondents and the Welsh version by 28 respondents. Incomplete responses (n=95), defined as those without any answers beyond socio-demographic, were removed from the dataset. A further 4 respondents did not complete the first section on current travel behaviours and were also removed. This left a final sample of n=968 adults. Two hundred and ten (210) of these had also responded to the Cardiff Travel Survey 2021. Participants were asked to create a unique code that...
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Data collection period

03/05/2022 - 20/07/2022



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Participants for the Cardiff Travel Survey (Wave 2) were recruited through posts on social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. Invitations were posted on CAST, Cardiff University, and investigator accounts. The survey was hosted on the Qualtrics online survey platform and available in both English and Welsh.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.

Related publications

Not available