Study title
Consumer perspectives in low energy/ low carbon housing: a video and interactive website
Goodchild, B, Sheffield Hallam University
Study number / PID
10.5255/UKDA-SN-850902 (DOI)
The starting point is a concern that the debate about innovative low carbon/ low energy housing has been dominated by technologists, architects and interested parties. The aim is to give occupants a voice and in addition to find ways of avoiding the technical jargon of innovative housing design. The aim is also to disseminate some of the more technical research findings to a wider audience, one more concerned with policy and practice. In this context, two particular methods are employed. First, a community arts or film company will make a short video about how the occupants use the heating and other features of low carbon/ low energy housing and how in general they see this type of home and estate. Secondly, an interactive forum will be created on the web, where interested parties can see the videos, deposit and look at other sources of information and also communicate amongst themselves. The proposal mirrors a shift in the use of the web from a one-way means of disseminating information to a two way means of promoting a conversation.