Summary information

Study title

AdMiGov - Migration and Development - Ethiopia


K Kuschminder (University of Amsterdam)

Study number / PID

doi:10.17026/dans-zqh-8zaz (DOI)

easy-dataset:272247 (DANS-KNAW)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


The data was collected as part of H2020 ADMIGOV project, subproject (WP6) that examined relationships between development interventions and the migration aspirations of refugees and other migrants. The data was collected for a case study in Ethiopia among Eritrean refugees and Ethiopian nationals. Ethiopia is a significant country of migration for refugee hosting, emigration and return migration. It is the third largest refugee hosting country in Africa and has an increasing number of nationals moving within the country and internationally. Ethiopia has been a key target country of the EU Trust fund for Africa (EUTF) and a focal country for several migration and development projects over the past decade. Due to COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent military confrontations in the region, data was collected by the means of a high-frequency phone survey. This phone survey was a short additional module to an existing high-frequency phone survey led by the World Bank in Ethiopia.

In total, between March and May 2021, 531 phone interviews with Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia and 388 phone interviews with Ethiopian nationals were conducted. This has resulted in two datasets, one for Eritrean refugees and one for Ethiopian nationals.

Date Submitted: 2023-01-27


Not available


Data collection period

Not available


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

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Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Not available



University of Amsterdam

Publication year


Terms of data access

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