Study title
Relations of Young People to Popular Music 1987
Zentralinstitut für Jugendforschung (ZIJ), Leipzig
Study number / PID
ZA6060, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Interest in and forms of occupation with popular music, leisure
activities, media usage, preferred radio stations and frequency of
reception and duration, stand on the program "DT 64".
Topics: Interest in music; significance of science for youth
problems; necessity of open expression of opinion; preferred leisure
activities (scale); frequency of attendance at various concerts in
the last few months; listening to the radio yesterday and duration;
use of electronic recording media yesterday and duration; preferred
music genres and groups (scale); watching television yesterday and
duration; reading newspapers or magazines yesterday and duration;
reading books, booklets, brochures yesterday and duration; current
favorite title from the area of popular music; interest in the text
of the title; available electronics media; preferred radio station;
evaluation of positive and negative content, organizational and
sound-technical characteristics of favorite station (scale);
reception of DT 64; knowledge about the program, announcers and
broadcast times of DT 64 (scale); frequency of information about the
program of the station; frequency of listening to certain programs of
this station (scale); forms of occupation with popular music (scale);
interest in the contents of the music title; exactness of
understanding English-language titles; qualification of parents;
self-assessment of school achievements; setting the volume oneself
when listening to music.