Study title
Part-Time Management Students Project, 1981-1984
Study number / PID
2102 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-2102-1 (DOI)
Data access
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
To examine part-time management students' perceptions of and attitudes to their own learning environments and learning process needs; to compare these with a) staff perceptions b) existing theoretical models of management and adult learning; to propose recommendations for changes in part-time management course design and teaching
Main Topics:
Biographical variables; reasons for enrolling; perceptions of departmental climate; perceptions of roles of 'manager' and `student'; attitudes to education and perceptions of own learning style; perceptions of study problems; course provision preferences.
Self-image; achievement motivation
Measurement Scales
Likert Scale
Semantic Differential (self-image)
Rothman/Ayoade: LEQ (Preece and Flood Page 1970) (MOD 1974)
Kerlinger/Kaya: Educational Attitudes Scale (after Burns 1976)
Oxtoby: Student Behaviour Questionnaire (MOD 1972)
Ryan: Achievement Motivation Scale (in Moser and Kalton 1971)
Burns: Semantic Differential (self) (1976)
Data collection period
Not availableCountry
Time dimension
Analysis unit
Part-time management students studying on long formal courses in institutions of higher education in Glasgow, Tyneside, Birmingham, Coventry and Norwich (pilot) and in the area north of the line Manchester-Doncaster and south of the line Glasgow-Edinburgh (main). Also control groups of full-time management and part-time non-management students. Students at Hong Kong polytechnic formed a comparison group. Also teachers teaching on these courses
Sampling procedure
Kind of data
Not availableData collection mode
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.
Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.
Related publications
- Hebron, C. (1984) Part-time students and staff development [Research report], Yugoslavia: European Staff Development Workshop.
- Hebron, C. (1984) 'Some problems and pleasures of teaching part-time management students', Studies in Higher Education, 169-181
- Hebron, C. (1983) Managers' expectations and learning needs [Research report], : Glasgow University.
- Hebron, C. (1984) Part-time management students: : needs, problems and perceptions [Research report], : Imperial College London.
- Hebron, C. (1982) Part-time students - does the cap fit? [Research report], Berlin: IUT.
- Hebron, C. (1983) 'Some problems of teaching part-timers', Bulletin of Educational Development and Research
- Hebron, C. (1985) 'Rethinking the design of courses for part-time students of management', 18-26
- Hebron, C. (1983) Part-time students - have we got it right?, [Discussion paper]..
- Hebron, C. (1983) The nature of the problem [Research report], : Glasgow University.
- Hebron, C. (1983) 'Can we make sense of learning theory?', 443-462
- Hebron, C. (0001) Higher education teachers and part-time students: : a comparison of research results from Britain and Germany [Research report], : DFG Projekt.