Summary information

Study title

Managing Career Endings and the Transition to Retirement, 2020


Crow, G, University of Edinburgh

Study number / PID

854868 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-854868 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


The project involved two linked online surveys, both based on availability samples with individuals recruited by publicising the research in relevant fora. The first focused on individuals currently employed as an academic at a UK university and thinking (or starting to think) about retirement (achieved n=81). The second comprised individuals previously employed as an academic at a UK university and now mainly or wholly retired from that role (achieved n=161). For the second group, ‘mainly or wholly retired’ was defined as the situation where the greater part or all of one’s income comes from a pension or pensions and any continued university employment accounts for only a minor part or none of one’s income. Academic staff from any discipline were eligible to take part.

This project investigates the views and experiences of later career and retired academic staff in the United Kingdom. It has a particular focus on how academics currently in post anticipate the transition to retirement and in the experiences of academics who have mainly or wholly retired (defined as the situation where the greater part or all of a person’s income comes from their pension or pensions and any continued university employment accounts for only a minor part or none of their income).


Data collection period

01/05/2020 - 30/09/2020


United Kingdom

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

The project had a mixed method research design including: two surveys (one for academic staff pre-retirement and one for those who have mainly or wholly retired from that role), an imagined futures essay component, qualitative interviews, and the analysis of documents relating to policies adopted by UK Universities that relate to the retirement of their staff.The project involved two linked online surveys, both based on availability samples with individuals recruited by publicising the research in relevant fora. The first focused on individuals currently employed as an academic at a UK university and thinking (or starting to think) about retirement (achieved n=81). The second comprised individuals previously employed as an academic at a UK university and now mainly or wholly retired from that role (achieved n=161). For the second group, ‘mainly or wholly retired’ was defined as the situation where the greater part or all of one’s income comes from a pension or pensions and any continued university employment accounts for only a minor part or none of one’s income. Academic staff from any discipline were eligible to take part.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access.

Related publications

Not available