Study title
Leisure Behavior of Research and Development Cadre in Industry 1985
Institut für marxistisch-leninistische Soziologie an der Akademie für Gesellschaftswissenschaften beim ZK der SED, Berlin
Study number / PID
ZA6333, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Specialties in the structure of leisure interests and activities
of industry researchers.
Topics: Characteristic of work task; occupational position; length of
occupational activity; condition of health; party membership;
honorary social functions; qualification of parents; place of
residence; the route to work; residential status; study; satisfaction
with residence, residential area and leisure opportunities;
employment of partner; qualification, shift work, activity, income of
partner; division of labor in one's family or partnership; yard or
property possession; possession of consumer goods; salience of
leisure time in relation to work; importance of selected goals in
life such as work, further education, family and leisure time;
achievement readiness; leisure inclinations (scale); leisure
interests (scale); time expended for leisure activities; degree
of recuperation in leisure time; preferred leisure activities; degree
of achieving interests in leisure time; leisure opportunities;
organization of leisure time; extent of leisure time; assessment of
development of extent of leisure time in the GDR; vacation abroad and
in the GDR; form of organization of vacation trips; preferred place
of vacation; change of salience of leisure time; level of achievement
of work.