Study title
Graduate Survey, 2019 - Half a Year After Graduation
Skjelbred, Siv-Elisabeth (Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning (NIFU))
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
"The Graduate Survey 2019 - Half a Year After Graduation" is a survey conducted by NIFU. The study sheds light on the transition from education to work among people who completed a master's degree in the spring of 2019. This study also includes people with a bachelor's degree in science and technology. ("Realist Bachelor" and "Engineering Bachelor") included. The candidate surveys have been conducted as so-called half-yearly surveys and special surveys. The mid-year surveys are conducted by NIFU every other year, among people with a master's degree six months after the exam. The surveys include most candidate groups with a higher degree exam from Norwegian educational institutions. The surveys provide good information about the labor market situation of the new graduates. From 2007, the survey has also included questions about the candidates' assessments of the education they have taken, the place of study and the extent to which they have experienced the study as relevant in relation to the needs of the labor market. Most of the questions have remained unchanged over time, so that the half-yearly surveys form the basis for good time series data.