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<p>Documentation of a national survey on social cohesion and modernization in the Netherlands.</p><p>These surveys builds on earlier waves of the Religion in Dutch society survey, which have been conducted in the winters of 1979/1980, 1985/1986, 1990/1991, 1995/1996, 2000/2001, 2005/2006, 2011/2012, and the Social and Cultural Developments in the Netherlands survey 2017, 2018 and 2019.</p><p>They are part of a long-standing research program, aimed at longitudinal research with a strong (a) substantial multi-disciplinary focus on religiosity, values, in-group solidarity and out-group...
Social relevance of Christian religion in the Netherlands.Social characteristics / intimate relationships / division of care and household work / education / employment / social integration / intra-generational occupational mobility / intergenerational educational and occupational mobility / educational and occupational homogamy / traditional achievement values / traditional family values / social criticism / hedonistic values / r.' s past and present church membership / r'.s past and present church attendance / r'.s religious upbringing / membership non-Christian religious group / parents' past and present church membership / partners past and present church membership / past and present church membership of best friends and family / Christian, transcendental and world-directed interpretation and denial existence ultimate reality Christian and world-directed interpretation and denial of meaning of life, suffering and death / Christian and world-directed interpretation of good and evil / salience of religion and world view / religious surroundings / anthropomorphic and non-anthropomorphic images of God, theism, and individual, social and cosmic panentheism / external, internal and quest religious orientation / religious and mystic experiences and prayer / economic and cultural conservatism / political party preference, (post)materialism, political orientation, interest in politics / legitimacy of government decisions / primary relationship / attitudes towards homosexuality / attitude towards ethnic minorities / subjectively perceived threat / ethnic distance / ethnic discrimination / authoritarianism / anomie / utilitarian individualism / social trust individual and group deprivation / policy matters with regard to ethnic minorities / exposure to ethnic minorities / received and given help behaviour / financial help behaviour / pro-social orientation / attitude towards relationship men and nature / interaction with nature / proximity of nature / action...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.