Study title
Effectivity of Promotion of Social Inclusion, Well-being, and Activeness (ESF): Interviews 2019-2022
Study number / PID
urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3836 (URN)
The data consists of interviews with participants in ESF projects promoting inclusion. The interviews cover the interviewees' experiences of the project and its impact on their well-being, inclusion and activity. The interviews aimed to collect small success stories describing changes in the experience of inclusion and the mechanisms of impact in the implementation of the projects. The interviews started with the interviewee's background information and life situation, followed by an inquiry on how the interviewee got involved in the project. The interviewee was then asked to describe the project's activities and what he or she had been able to do. Next, the interviewee was asked about his or her feelings in more detail: how they felt about the activities, what the relationships between the participants were like and whether there was a sense of community. In addition, the interviewee was asked about his or her empowerment and self-actualisation. Next, the interviewee was asked about the impact on health, mental well-being, alertness or self-confidence, for example. In the final section, the interviewee was asked project-specific questions about the initial findings of the survey on the impact of the activity. For example, had you noticed any differences in the project activities in terms of participation of men and women. Background information included interviewee's gender, type of municipality of residence, date of the interview and information of the inclusive approach of the project. The data were organised into an easy to use HTML version at FSD.