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Invloed van scholen op de kleine criminaliteit van hun leerlingen 1988-1989
Baerveldt, C., Ministerie van justitie, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC * Den Haag (primary investigator)
Study number / PID
doi:10.17026/dans-zqw-xvpt (DOI)
STAR: P1027
easy-dataset:33174 (DANS-KNAW)
Data access
Information not available
Not available
The influence of schools as organizations and their staff members on delinquency of their pupils. interview ( deputy ) headmaster: structure of comprehensive school / pupil supervision / absence and truants / prevention of crime * interview supervisor: detailed account of pupil supervision, absence or truants / contacts with parents of pupils / discrimination between school for lower general secondary education ( MAVO ) and school for higher general secondary education ( HAVO ) or pre-university education ( VWO ) within comprehensive school / prevention of crime questionnaire teachers: number of hours teaching at comprehensive school / number of hours teaching at school for lower general secondary education ( MAVO ) / kind of section( s ) * interview pupils: pupil supervision / absence registration and suppression of playing truant / school activities / prevention of crime * questionnaire pupils: pupils closest peers in the third year / number of repeating on secondary school / pupils opinion about school: nice, boring, cosiness after school time, not looking forward to go to school, importance of getting a graduate for school for lower general secondary education ( MAVO ), repeating or unsatisfactory marks / behaviour of playing truant/ lessons and days / preference for playing truant with certain sections / reaction of school towards truants, justness of that reaction perceived by pupils, also with being to late at school / detailed account of steeling, vandalistic behaviour and aggressive behaviour towards other persons by pupils within school or outside school / home work / free hours / asking help by study-problems / results of end-of-year report for several sections / interest in several sections / popularity of teachers by pupils / number of times of sanctions on school / involvement with school activities / contact with peers after school hours / pupil webs / personal contacts of pupils with ( deputy ) headmaster / perceived discrimination between school...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.