Study title
Biographies of Women: Retrospective Survey on Family and Employment Biographies of 35 to 60 Year-Old Women
Hullen, Gerd (Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BIB), Wiesbaden )
Study number / PID
ZA2654, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Judgements and information on the course of employment and family
biographies. Topics: Living together with a partner; length of living
together; marriage date; assistance for close persons; residential
status; employment biography; description and evaluation of employment
sequences; reasons for change of occupation; most important reasons for
part-time employment and lack of employment; preferred opportunities of
compatibility between employment and family; satisfaction with course
of life up to now; desired changes in one´s own employment biography
und that of partner; number of children and detailed information on
individual children; desired number of children; desired number of
children in the individual phases of life; number of children realized
and reasons for changes in the desire for children; description of the
situation regarding housing, partner and education when the respondent
was 16 years old; description of change of family and partner situation
in successive sequences; separations; income situation and satisfaction
with family income; information on events in one´s life with particular
significance; type of building; city size. Also encoded was: ZIP
(postal) code.