Study title
Cancer Patients' Experiences of Psychosocial Support 2024
Vuolle, Terhi (University of Jyväskylä)
Study number / PID
urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3903 (URN)
The data consists of writings in which cancer patients and cancer survivors write about their experiences of psychosocial support. The data was originally collected for a Master's thesis on the experiences and needs of cancer survivors for psychosocial support. The writing invitation aimed to collect experiences related to cancer, rehabilitation, psychosocial support received, and support needs and expectations. The writing invitation provided a number of supporting questions which the respondent could use to assist in the writing process. These questions asked the respondent to describe, among other things, his/her perception of psychosocial support and its impact on his/her life at different stages of his/her life. The respondent was also given the opportunity to write about what kind of support has been important to them at different stages of their illness, how it has affected them and from whom they have received support. The respondent was also asked to write about, for example, what factors have been barriers or challenges in seeking support. The background information includes gender and age group. The data were organised into an easy to use HTML version at FSD.