Socio-economic analysis of crime in Germany at the end of the 19th century in particular consideration of juvenile delinquency
Data about delinquency in the German ‚Kaiserreich’ are made available by this study. The subjects of investigation are municipalities and administrative districts of the German ‘Reich’, taking into account the changes of the boarders. For all municipalities and administrative districts the crime rate according to the categories crime of violence, criminal assault, as well as simple and aggravated theft are collected.
Topics: Development of crime during the period of investigation from 1893 to 1897, 1898 to 1902, divided into total offenses, offenses of bodily harm, simple and aggravated theft, and into adult persons and adolescent. Furthermore, the effect of region and urbanity, the average of condemned per crime-group referring to 100.000 persons of the age of criminal responsibility, the police-force, efficiency of enquiry.
Structural variables:
size of area, population structure, area and population (1885, 1890, 1895, 1900), religion, ethnic mixture (1.12.1900), urbanisation, birth and death, causes of death, occupation-structure, unemployment (1895), size of agricultural farms, average daily wages of men and women in cities and in the countryside (1892, 1901), taxpayers (1899 to 1903), poor relief (1895, 1903), school system (1891).