Study title
Attitudes to Jews and other Minorities
The American Jewish Committee, New York
Study number / PID
ZA2418, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Attitude to Jews and other minorities. Topics: Attitude to West
Germans/East Germans, gipsies, Arabs, Vietnamese, Turks, Poles,
Africans and Jews as neighbors; provocative behavior by these
population groups; judgement on protection of foreigners by
authorities; judgement on the influence of large concerns, trade
unions, media, banks, Americans, Japanese, churches and Jews on
society; assessment of antisemitism in Germany and expected development
in the next few years; attitude to a Jewish candidate for Federal
President; judgement on the influence of Jews on world events;
significance of the term Holocaust as well as Auschwitz, Dachau,
Treblinka; Auschwitz as lie or truth; knowledge about the number of
Jews killed in the Holocaust as well as population groups persecuted by
the Nazis; knowledge about the star of David; attitude to a Holocaust
Memorial; importance of knowledge about National Socialist perscution
of Jews for Germans; perceived exploitation of the Holocaust for
personal intents by Jews; attitude to considering finished the topic of
persecution of Jews in the past; religious denomination; party
preference; interest in politics; union membership; behavior at the
polls in the last Federal Parliament election.