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This project provided English-language teaching for young deaf adults in the Indian Sign Language using community, using peer tuition and a bilingual online learning environment (SLEND – Sign Language to English by the Deaf). In addition, smaller pilot studies in Uganda and Ghana investigated the feasibility of using this approach for English literacy provision in these countries.
Data relating to work in India include:
a) Pre-, post- and delayed comprehension and writing tests from deaf learners, and test instruments;
b) Self-assessment skills questionnaires, and questionnaire instrument;
c) Annotations, using ELAN multimedia annotator, of filmed classroom interaction samples;
d) Written English translations of group interviews/discussions;
e) Observation notes by peer tutors in written English;
f) Frequency data automatically stored in SLEND;
g) Samples of learner-generated content on SLEND;
Data relating to work in sub-Saharan Africa include written English translations of four focus groups in Uganda and Ghana.
The pilot project was a multi-disciplinary collaboration between academics from the areas of applied (sign language) linguistics, ethnography, digital literacy and TESOL, together with deaf-led NGO partners in India and sub-Saharan Africa. The interrelated research questions revolved around how to implement a sustainable community-based and learner-centred English literacy programme for young deaf adult learners (research question RQ1), how to measure the effectiveness of peer tuition and a virtual learning environment (RQ2), and how to conceptualise the interrelated elements of the approach (RQ3). The project took an ethnographic approach drawn from Literacy Studies in order to explore with all participants their current practices with English literacy and develop materials based on authentic identification of need ('real literacies approach', Street, 2012). Underpinning this was a commitment shared with the transformative mixed methods paradigm...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
01/06/2015 - 31/07/2016
United Kingdom, India, Ghana, Uganda
Time dimension
Not available
Analysis unit
Not available
Sampling procedure
Not available
Kind of data
Data collection mode
All deaf participants applied to be taught on the course (self-selection), and learners were then selected by the research team according to age, linguistic profile, and IT skills.The standardised tests and self-assessment skills questionnaires were implemented on the virtual learning environment SLEND (using Moodle as the VLE tool). Frequency data of SLEND use is generated automatically by Moodle's "report" function, and SLEND samples are screenshots from the online environment. Observation notes from the classrooms in India were recorded on weekly report forms by peer tutors in five study centres.Annotations of classroom interactions used the ELAN multimedia annotator programme.All group interviews and focus groups in the three countries were conducted in the local sign languages, videotaped, and then translated into written English by the deaf research assistants.