Summary information

Study title

Citizen contribution to local public services - Part 4


John, P, University College London

Study number / PID

852200 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-852200 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


This dataset relates to the ESRC Citizen Contribution to Local Public Services project. It is the fourth of four datasets created for this project. The project sought to identify how social information could influence volunteering levels in different groups, using four different field experiments. This dataset contains information from the fourth field experiment which examined one form of social information - i.e. endorsement - on a group of residents of a housing association. The other datasets in the project (1,2,3) examine other forms of social information with different groups of people. The datatset contains information relating to a field experiment designed to measure the effect of email endorsements on citizens' proclivity to donate their time for voluntary causes, including a citizen social science project. The citizens were residents of a large Housing Association in the North of England. Participants were randomly assigned to receive an endorsement about the value of citizen science from either a fellow citizen, a prominent scientist, or received a control email with no endorsement. Variables collected include age, sex, ethnicity, housing benefit status, volunteering history, number of hours volunteered typically over month, and a variety of volunteering outcome measures including hours volunteered in the 7 week period following receipt of the email, type of volunteering participant registered an interest in, and whether they clicked through to a website to find out more, actually registered for a volunteering opportunity and actually volunteered for one of the projects on offer. Data were collected using an online survey emailed to participants (to measure volunteering outcomes) as well as directly from the Housing Association.Citizen contributions to public services are regarded as increasingly important by researchers and policy-makers. These include volunteering to make communities better places. A core idea in recent thinking in behavioural...
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Data collection period

01/07/2013 - 06/12/2015


United Kingdom

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Data on volunteering outcomes, current volunteering and volunteering history, were collected using an online survey emailed to participants (emails were sent directly by the Housing Association).Data for the demographic variables were obtained directly from Housing Association in anonymised format.The sample included 8,229 tenants and residents of the Housing Association who were on an email registry held by the Landlord.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

Not available