Summary information

Study title

Aspecten van de levensloop van de Nederlandse bevolking, 1e tranche 1992-1994 : Veranderingen in socio-demografische gegevens, sociale mobiliteit, relatiegeschiedenis, onderwijsloopbaan en arbeidsmobiliteit.


Stichting Sociaal-culturele Wetenschappen, Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk onderzoek - NWO * Den Haag (primary investigator)

Study number / PID

doi:10.17026/dans-xy7-xbj6 (DOI)

STAR: P1107

easy-dataset:32118 (DANS-KNAW)

Data access

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Aspects of life-event history of the Dutch population, part 1: changes in socio-demographic data, social mobility, relationships history, educational career, and work mobilityP1107a: History of address changes / for each address: kind of household, type of housing, duration of stay / reasons for moving / year and month beginning of each new address period / if applicable: if change also meant new school and if for a particular period last child left home.P1107b: Respondents recollection of family life with their parents / importance of parents / whether parents divorced / presence other children / parents still alive / education of parents / parents attention to respondents school career.P1107c: Characteristics of parents paid job when respondent was ages 12 / if not working what other activities / idem, characteristics of parents paid job now if applicable / if no present job last profession and job situation / all professions CBS coded.P1107d: I: Life history of relationships: year and month of event, kind of relationship, reasons for beginning and ending, sex of partner, partner still alive / fourteen possible relationships / if start of living together or marriage, when first engaged and date of birth partner : II: Has respondent had own children, how many, date of birth, adopted and when, date of birth of adopted children/ III: have children died and when / female respondent: pregnant at present, how often pregnant, miscarriage.P1107e: Life history of education: pre-school, primary school, and any education following primary. How good a pupil after primary / further education or not / / if university degree and which one / respondent born after 1956, asked of choice of subjects in finishing secondary school / for each training or education: first: year and month of beginning and ending/ second: respondents vocational and job aspiration and succeeded or not and reason for failure / with retrospect respondent is asked for future job desire at age 4 and 12 and...
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Data collection period

08/05/1992 - 03/11/1992


Time dimension

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Analysis unit

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Sampling procedure

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Kind of data

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Data collection mode

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DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities

Publication year


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