Summary information

Study title

Welfare Survey 1998


Zapf, Wolfgang (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin)
Habich, Roland (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin )
Noll, Heinz-Herbert (ZUMA, Mannheim)

Study number / PID

ZA3398, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.3398 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


Quality of life and satisfaction in selected areas of life. Evaluation of financial, occupational and health situation. Topics: 1. housing situation: housing situation in primary residence; number of rooms; floor space in square meters; furnishing characteristics of the residence; residential status; satisfaction with one's residence and residential area; satisfaction with housing; satisfaction with public safety and the fight against crime in the country as well as sense of security in residential area (victimization probability); satisfaction with environmental protection in the country (scale); stress scale for noise, air pollution, lack of free nature, destruction of countrside and quality of drinking water; readiness for sacrifices in standard of living for the sake of environmental protection; openness to innovation; attitude to aid to those wanting to die (scale). 2. society: postmaterialism (Inglehart- scale); perceived conflicts between selected social groups; comparison of current personal living conditions with those at the time of unification in 1990 and the course of living conditions since 1990; characterization of personal situation in life: optimism/pessimism, work orientation, loneliness, fatalism; satisfaction with training (scale); self-classification of social class; memberships; current feeling of happiness; available leisure time; satisfaction with leisure time (scale); state of birth; length of living in Eastern Germany or in Western Germany. 3. household: detailed information on size of household and persons living in it (number of persons living in household; persons under 18 years in household; head of household); satisfaction with family life (scale); living together with a partner; employment of partner; reasons for partner's not being employed; occupational position of partner; marital satisfaction or satisfaction with partnership (scale). 4. social contacts: contact opportunities; possession and number of close friendships; frequency...
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Not available


Data collection period

10/1998 - 12/1998



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

Multi-stage stratified random sample (ADM mastersample)

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Oral survey with standardized questionnaire



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.

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