Summary information

Study title

Differences in working conditions in science in Slovenia


Ule, Mirjana (Centre for Social Psychology)
Živoder, Andreja (Centre for Social Psychology)
Berzelak, Nejc (Centre for Social Psychology)

Study number / PID



Data access

Information not available


Not available


The purpose of the research Differences in working conditions in science in Slovenia was to review the situation of the scientific culture in Slovenian academic environments and the barriers to the promotion of women in scientific research work. The research mainly focuses on the working conditions for scientific work, the management and governance of scientific careers, and the barriers and discriminatory mechanisms in creating careers in science. The study includes doctors of sciences in Slovenia from the record of researchers at Slovenian Research Agency.
The purpose of the research Differences in working conditions in science in Slovenia was to review the situation of the scientific culture in Slovenian academic environments and the barriers to the promotion of women in scientific research work. The research mainly focuses on the working conditions for scientific work, the management and governance of scientific careers, and the barriers and discriminatory mechanisms in creating careers in science. The study includes doctors of sciences in Slovenia from the record of researchers at Slovenian Research Agency.
The purpose of the research Differences in working conditions in science in Slovenia was to review the situation of the scientific culture in Slovenian academic environments and the barriers to the promotion of women in scientific research work. The research mainly focuses on the working conditions for scientific work, the management and governance of scientific careers, and the barriers and discriminatory mechanisms in creating careers in science. The study includes doctors of sciences in Slovenia from the record of researchers at Slovenian Research Agency.


Data collection period

17/01/2011 - 15/02/2011



Time dimension


Analysis unit



PhDs and doctors of science in Slovenia who at the time of survey were not recorded in the register of researchers in ARRS or were recorded on that day but did not allow the publication of their e-mail address in the SICRIS system.

Sampling procedure

Total universe/Complete enumeration

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaireWeb survey



Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Social Science Data Archives

Publication year


Terms of data access

The data is accessible for scientific purposes only and licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution + NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence. Users may use the data only for the purposes stated in the registration form and in accordance with professional codes of ethics. Users expressly agree to maintain the confidentiality of the data and to conduct analyses without attempting to identify the individuals and institutions covered by the materials.

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